Cajon workshops

Building and playing a Cajon in 10 weeks! This was a fun workshop at primary schools in Rotterdam. I was working in groups of about 10 to 15 children. They all got to build there own Cajon drum and paint…
Building and playing a Cajon in 10 weeks! This was a fun workshop at primary schools in Rotterdam. I was working in groups of about 10 to 15 children. They all got to build there own Cajon drum and paint…
Boom boom du Terre is booked for Buma Rotterdam Beats! Buma Rotterdam beats is a new music festival in Rotterdam and will be helt on Novermber 25,26 and 27. I will play on the 27th in the Maassilo in Rotterdam…
The Boom boom du Terre remix of the song Hypothetical Theoretical by Knobsticker is available on iTunes from today. You can get the full EP for just €3,99 or single songs for just €0,99. By the way, down here it…
My Boom boom du Terre show at the Lowlands festival was a great experience and succes! I was nervous and tired before going on stage. The whole crew worked hard to get this show on the road. And I’m very…
Here are some pictures of my show at Rotown with Boom boom du Terre
This is a track from my solo album Your favourite alBoom.
This is a track from my solo album Your favourite alBoom.
This is a track from my solo album Your favourite alBoom.
Your favourite alBoom is Boom boom du Terre’s debut album. All the songs are written by Boom boom du Terre and produced by Jornt Jan Bras and Tammo Kersbergen. Your can order the album at the boom boom du…
Last night I won the price for best musician 2009 at the Grote prijs van Nederland! Pretty cool, it’s nice to win a prise of course and I can take some more money to Bali for my research.
Video drumming solo created for the Urban Explorers festival. Video drumming by the drum students of the pop centrale in Dordrecht. I was asked to creat a video drum pease for four drummers. together with students we shot the video and…
This is the Tune for The healers a short movie by Tim Leyendekker The gay party scene presented in a triptych: the thrills of the night, the location, the date. With a surgeon’s ambition, director Leyendekker dissects a social environment…
VeloCity is a film about Katowice city, which is a very rough and going through a serious metamorfose place. Its chaning from harsh industrial landscape of a working komunictic city into a cultural modern city. Music, specially composed by Jornt…
I’ve recorded some drums on the tracks of a friend of mine Martha Jane Satler for her project 365 mornings.The studio was great and the musicians even better.
Met Theater groep de ontbranding werk ik mee aan het stuk In Tha Zone. De muziek compositie is van mij in samenwerking met de spelers. Het decor dat bestaat uit 4 grote VU meters is van Johnas Vorwerk. Zowel de…
Muziek compositie voor De Kijkdoos een film van Ka-ching cartoons.
Creation of a sound to light installation. for the 2008 museum night in Rotterdam. The installation is made out of 60 light bulbs hanging from the ceiling of a dome tent. The lights glow on and of on the patterns…
Ik deed mee met de eerste editie van Prix du Port. Een muziek contest waar veel conservatorium studenten aan mee deden. De eerste rondes heb ik gewonnen en in de finale werd ik 2de. Het mooiste was dat de contest…